Saturday, October 10, 2009

Art Imitating Life

Weird day. I was grabbing lunch for the salon at Beans n Barley and parked at the Library because the Beans lot was rocking the East Side Farmers Market. Lots of corn and tomatoes, soap and candles, chuck taylors and beards.

Anyway, we got that Warhol thing in town so I've been thinking about re-reading his diaries which have his famous quotes like "15minutes of fame" and his whole pop culture/does life imitate art essay.

I did my gangsta stroll into the library and no, they didn't have it. Maybe I should just go buy it at the museum or stop at Boswell and browse around after work? But dammit I need to save up for more shampoo and towels and salon things. Hmmmm.

Then Warhol, in some stroke of the divine and bizarre, decided for me.

Life imitating art or does art imitate life?

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